240 Main Ave, Lower Level, Hawley, PA 18428 | (570) 226-5810 | info@kileyassoc.com
Professional Services
How can we help you with your projects today?
Kiley Associates employs Professional Engineers, Professional Land Surveyors, environmental permit specialists, soil scientists, and technical designers. We provide consulting services to various sectors in the engineering, surveying, and environmental fields. Our staff has a diverse technical skill set to meet your project’s individual needs.
Civil Engineering

- Site/Civil Design
- Land Developments & Subdivision Design
- Erosion Control & Stormwater Management Planning
- Sewage System Design
- Hydraulics & Hydrology
- Feasibility Studies
- NPDES Permitting
- Innovative Stormwater Management Design

- Boundary & Topographic Surveys
- Construction Stake Out
- GPS Control Measurements
- GIS Mapping and Analysis
- Subdivisions & Lot Consolidations
- Commercial & Residential Land Development
- Aerial Surveys
Environmental Services

- Wetland Delineations
- Septic Testing
- Septic Design
- Stormwater Infiltration Testing
- Federal, State, & Local Permitting
- Wetland Creation & Mitigation Design
- Stream Restoration
- Alternative Stormwater BMP Analysis
Traffic & Transportation Engineering

- PA DOT Highway Occupancy Permits
- Traffic Design Services
- Traffic Impact Studies
- Parking Design
- Road Safety Audits
Municipal Services

- Land Development Planning
- Project Management
- Permitting
- Scheduling
- Development of Construction Details and Documents
- Inspection/Quality Control
- Plan Review for Ordinance Compliance
- Environmental Assessments for HUD Grants